Need A Lift
Forklift Services LLC
355 Rainier Ave. Bld 4
Enumclaw, WA 98022
Mailing Address:
PO Box 1886
Buckley, WA 98321
Phone: 253.533.1500
7:00am - 3:30pm Mon-Thur
Or use our contact form.
Need-A-Lift Forklift Services LLC takes great pride in its outstanding team. Regardless of your particular situation or project, we have the skills to get the task done quickly and efficiently.
Meet our staff below.
Michelle Lawrence
Bio: Being in customer service positions for 19+ years, Michelle is able to establish a great rapport with customers and vendors. She has great attention to detail and understands the customer's needs. Handling all the administrative tasks, including all legal matters is a big job but she is up to the challenge. Michelle keeps the company running smoothly so Mike can concentrate on what he does best.
Mike Lawrence
Bio: Mike Lawrence is the chief mechanic at Need-A-Lift Forklift Services LLC and is certified in the following: